
Educational ArticlesIn the NewsPrevention Programs for studentsPrevention Programs for studentsVapingYouth Mental Health| September 4, 2024

Depressed teenagers twice as likely to vape, study finds

A new study from The University of Sydney’s Matilda Centre has revealed a link between poor mental health and e-cigarette…
September 4, 2024Read More
Educational ArticlesPrevention Programs for studentsPrevention Programs for students| August 13, 2024

Why we use combined text and audio in our programs

Have you noticed that you comprehend information differently depending on whether you’re listening to it or reading it? It is…
August 13, 2024Read More
Drug useEducational Articles| July 22, 2024

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid drug that is prescribed as an analgesic (pain reliever) for severe acute or chronic pain.…
July 22, 2024Read More
Educational ArticlesIn the NewsVaping| July 15, 2024

New vaping laws update

Vaping/e-cigarette reforms have been continuously implemented across Australia this year. Things are always changing in this space, and it can…
July 15, 2024Read More
Prevention Programs for students| June 12, 2024

Health4Life coming soon!

OurFutures are excited to be adding the Health4Life program to our suite of evidence-based, curriculum-aligned online health modules! The Health4Life…
June 12, 2024Read More
In the NewsMedia ReleasesVaping| April 17, 2024

OurFutures Vaping program showcased by Federal Ministers

  (L-R) Kate Ross Senior Research Program Officer, Professor Cath Chapman, Ken Wallace CEO OurFutures Institute, The Honourable Federal Education…
April 17, 2024Read More
Youth Mental Health| April 8, 2024

How to have a conversation with your teen about mental health – a guide for parents

Adolescence is a formative time of exploration, development, and multiple physical, emotional, social and psychological changes. Emotional ups and downs…
April 8, 2024Read More
Prevention Programs for students| March 20, 2024

The evidence behind our prevention programs

The OurFutures programs have been rigorously evaluated across 8 large cluster randomised controlled trials in Australia (with 240 schools, >21,000…
March 20, 2024Read More
Vaping| March 13, 2024

How to have a conversation with your teen about vaping

Young people may be exposed to e-cigarettes (“vapes”) via friends, social media, or other sources. Ongoing open, honest communication with…
March 13, 2024Read More
Vaping| March 12, 2024

What’s happening with Australia’s vape laws?

You may have heard about the vape (“e-cigarette”) bans being implemented across Australia. The federal government’s approach to address the…
March 12, 2024Read More
Curriculum and School AccessPrevention Programs for students| February 22, 2024

NSW: Accessing our programs and how we map to the NSW curriculum

In NSW you can access our programs directly via our platform.   NSW Curriculum Alcohol Module - NSW Curriculum -…
February 22, 2024Read More
Prevention Programs for students| February 16, 2024

Our Awards

At OurFutures, we're very proud to have earned a number of prestigious awards: thirty since 2012. We have an exceptional…
February 16, 2024Read More
Drug use| February 5, 2024

Chroming: What is it?

You may have heard of the term “chroming.” It refers to the act of inhaling solvents and other volatile substances…
February 5, 2024Read More
Curriculum and School AccessPrevention Programs for students| January 28, 2024

How the OurFutures courses save time for teachers

We understand how busy teachers are, and how important it is to not add to a workload that is already…
January 28, 2024Read More
Drug use| December 18, 2023

Common drugs used by youth in Australia

One of the key tenants of the theory underlying the OurFutures eHealth modules is normative education. This means we want…
December 18, 2023Read More
Prevention Programs for studentsVaping| December 11, 2023

Behind the research: What does “evidence-based” really mean?

What do we really mean when we say that the OurFutures programs are evidence-based and clinically proven? These could come…
December 11, 2023Read More
Vaping| November 27, 2023

The influence of social media on vape use

Exposure to e-cigarette advertisements has been shown to significantly increase susceptibility to vaping amongst adolescents . A recent study published…
November 27, 2023Read More
AlcoholDrug use| November 13, 2023

Alcohol and other drug use among disadvantaged youth

There are a huge number of factors that increase a young person’s risk of using alcohol or other drugs, including…
November 13, 2023Read More
Vaping| November 1, 2023

Vaping infographic

Here is a handy vaping infographic with 5 vaping facts you may not know. Share with your students and see…
November 1, 2023Read More
Vaping| September 22, 2023

What are the known risks of vaping?

Vapes are often seen to be the lesser of two evils when compared with tobacco cigarettes. This has partly driven…
September 22, 2023Read More
Vaping| September 22, 2023

Worldwide Policy Trends to Ban Vaping

Numerous European countries are contemplating banning e-cigarettes. France has announced that it will ban disposable vapes as part of its…
September 22, 2023Read More
Vaping| September 22, 2023

Australia Leads the world with Vaping Crackdown

Australia has taken a bold step forward in tackling the vaping crisis currently facing many countries throughout the world, through…
September 22, 2023Read More
Vaping| September 22, 2023

The Burden on Schools, and Tips on How to Tackle Vaping in Schools

Schools’ Experiences with Youth Vaping A University of Melbourne study into educator’s perceptions of vapes found after surveying 218 school…
September 22, 2023Read More
Prevention Programs for studentsVaping| September 21, 2023

Background Information about the OurFutures Vaping Trial

Effective and scalable prevention approaches are urgently needed to address the rapidly increasing rates of e-cigarette use among adolescents. School-based…
September 21, 2023Read More
Curriculum and School AccessPrevention Programs for students| August 10, 2023

Curriculum Mapping: How our online programs are linked to the National & State Curricula

We often get asked how our programs are mapped to the Australian & State curriculums.  Here's a handy list of…
August 10, 2023Read More
Vaping| August 1, 2023

How to Tackle Vaping in Schools: Some tips from Matilda Centre’s Vaping expert, Dr. Emily Stockings

Arm yourself with the facts so you can have frank, non-judgmental conversations. Positive Choices Factsheet NSW Health Factsheet Start a…
August 1, 2023Read More
Curriculum and School AccessPrevention Programs for students| July 26, 2023

Victorian schools can access OurFutures for free through the Mental Health Menu

The Victorian government has invested $217.8 million over four years to support student mental health and wellbeing, including $200 million…
July 26, 2023Read More
AlcoholDrug useVapingWebinars| July 19, 2023

WEBINAR: What Works: Alcohol, Tobacco, Vaping, and Other Drug Education in Schools

In this webinar, you will hear from Australia’s leading experts on what works in school based drug education. Find out…
July 19, 2023Read More
Prevention Programs for studentsVaping| June 17, 2023

VAPING: The first rigorous evaluation of a school-based vaping prevention program in Australia.

The OurFutures Vaping Program is a school-based eHealth program co-designed with young people, teachers, and experts in the field, to…
June 17, 2023Read More
AlcoholDrug useYouth Mental Health| June 17, 2023

The Big Six modifiable factors for youth mental health

What if there was a key that held the answer to improving the mental health of Australian adolescents? Well, it…
June 17, 2023Read More
AlcoholPrevention Programs for students| June 17, 2023

The 7-Year Effectiveness of School-Based Alcohol Use Prevention

At 7-year follow-up, students in all 3 intervention groups reported reduced odds of alcohol-related harms compared to the control group…
June 17, 2023Read More
Drug use| May 17, 2023

Evolving Drug Laws in Australia

Australia's approach to drug laws has undergone significant changes in recent years, reflecting a global shift towards more progressive and…
May 17, 2023Read More
AlcoholDrug useYouth Mental Health| May 15, 2023

The Importance of Prevention in Mental Health and Substance Use

How often do we hear fire alarms and practice drills in schools, workplaces and apartment buildings? We practice these drills…
May 15, 2023Read More
Reviews| March 19, 2023

Education Today reviews OurFutures Institute

For better or worse, alcohol and other substances are part of many of our cultural rituals, that probably won’t change.…
March 19, 2023Read More