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The OurFutures Vaping Program is a school-based eHealth program co-designed with young people, teachers, and experts in the field, to prevent vaping and cigarette smoking among adolescents.

The program is being evaluated in a cluster randomised controlled trial with 42 schools across NSW, QLD and WA. This is the first rigorous evaluation of a school-based vaping prevention program in Australia. To be kept up to date with outcomes of the OurFutures vaping program, or to express your interest in being involved in the trial please visit: ”

Some important information about the trial.

  • There are other vaping prevention programs in Australia however, they are not evaluated as extensively as ours is. Our trial is the gold standard.
  • The trial is currently in 3 states (NSW, WA, Qld)
  • We are hoping to open up to other states.
  • We have had 1900 students already complete the baseline survey so far
  • We are still recruiting in WA (4 spots left) and NSW (1 spot left).
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  (L-R) Kate Ross Senior Research Program Officer, Professor Cath Chapman, Ken Wallace CEO OurFutures Institute, The Honourable Federal Education…
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