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Drug useEducational Articles| July 22, 2024

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid drug that is prescribed as an analgesic (pain reliever) for severe acute or chronic pain.…
July 22, 2024Read More
Educational ArticlesIn the NewsVaping| July 15, 2024

New vaping laws update

Vaping/e-cigarette reforms have been continuously implemented across Australia this year. Things are always changing in this space, and it can…
July 15, 2024Read More
In the NewsMedia ReleasesVaping| April 17, 2024

OurFutures Vaping program showcased by Federal Ministers

  (L-R) Kate Ross Senior Research Program Officer, Professor Cath Chapman, Ken Wallace CEO OurFutures Institute, The Honourable Federal Education…
April 17, 2024Read More
Youth Mental Health| April 8, 2024

How to have a conversation with your teen about mental health – a guide for parents

Adolescence is a formative time of exploration, development, and multiple physical, emotional, social and psychological changes. Emotional ups and downs…
April 8, 2024Read More
Prevention Programs for students| March 20, 2024

The evidence behind our prevention programs

The OurFutures programs have been rigorously evaluated across 8 large cluster randomised controlled trials in Australia (with 240 schools, >21,000…
March 20, 2024Read More
Vaping| March 13, 2024

How to have a conversation with your teen about vaping

Young people may be exposed to e-cigarettes (“vapes”) via friends, social media, or other sources. Ongoing open, honest communication with…
March 13, 2024Read More
Vaping| March 12, 2024

What’s happening with Australia’s vape laws?

You may have heard about the vape (“e-cigarette”) bans being implemented across Australia. The federal government’s approach to address the…
March 12, 2024Read More
Curriculum and School AccessPrevention Programs for students| February 22, 2024

NSW: Accessing our programs and how we map to the NSW curriculum

In NSW you can access our programs directly via our platform.   NSW Curriculum Alcohol Module - NSW Curriculum -…
February 22, 2024Read More
Prevention Programs for students| February 16, 2024

Our Awards

At OurFutures, we're very proud to have earned a number of prestigious awards: thirty since 2012. We have an exceptional…
February 16, 2024Read More
Drug use| February 5, 2024

Chroming: What is it?

You may have heard of the term “chroming.” It refers to the act of inhaling solvents and other volatile substances…
February 5, 2024Read More