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Vaping| September 22, 2023

Australia Leads the world with Vaping Crackdown

Australia has taken a bold step forward in tackling the vaping crisis currently facing many countries throughout the world, through…
September 22, 2023Read More
Vaping| September 22, 2023

The Burden on Schools, and Tips on How to Tackle Vaping in Schools

Schools’ Experiences with Youth Vaping A University of Melbourne study into educator’s perceptions of vapes found after surveying 218 school…
September 22, 2023Read More
Prevention Programs for studentsVaping| September 21, 2023

Background Information about the OurFutures Vaping Trial

Effective and scalable prevention approaches are urgently needed to address the rapidly increasing rates of e-cigarette use among adolescents. School-based…
September 21, 2023Read More
Vaping| August 1, 2023

How to Tackle Vaping in Schools: Some tips from Matilda Centre’s Vaping expert, Dr. Emily Stockings

Arm yourself with the facts so you can have frank, non-judgmental conversations. Positive Choices Factsheet NSW Health Factsheet Start a…
August 1, 2023Read More
AlcoholDrug useVapingWebinars| July 19, 2023

WEBINAR: What Works: Alcohol, Tobacco, Vaping, and Other Drug Education in Schools

In this webinar, you will hear from Australia’s leading experts on what works in school based drug education. Find out…
July 19, 2023Read More
Prevention Programs for studentsVaping| June 17, 2023

VAPING: The first rigorous evaluation of a school-based vaping prevention program in Australia.

The OurFutures Vaping Program is a school-based eHealth program co-designed with young people, teachers, and experts in the field, to…
June 17, 2023Read More