The award-winning, clinically proven online OurFutures Alcohol prevention program is an education course for high school students and teens that empowers students to make responsible decisions about alcohol use.
Co-designed with students and teachers, it uses realistic cartoon dramas to give teens the essential knowledge, understanding, and skills they need to reduce alcohol-related harm to themselves and others.
How it works
- Highly relatable cartoon storylines based on young people’s experiences.
- Interactive activities encourage teens to apply the skills they learn in preparation for future experiences.
- Information worksheets, class discussion, role play, and homework activities ignite conversations and deepen topic understanding.
What students learn about
- Alcohol, the law, and underage drinking.
- The influence of contextual factors on teenage alcohol use.
- Risks of alcohol use and strategies for seeking help.
- Myths and facts about alcohol.
- Strategies teens can use to keep themselves and others safe in various situations.
- First aid and decision-making skills to promote health and safety.
What students say
We asked high school teens why they liked the OurFutures Alcohol prevention program.
Relatable characters and storylines
“It’s actually a story that is likely to happen in our life, so it teaches you a valuable lesson by having the characters talk and show real-life situations.”
“The cartoons were entertaining and relatable.”
Real-life, practical advice
“I learnt how to put someone in the recovery position when they have alcohol poisoning.”
“I now understand how you can prevent putting yourself at harm from alcohol.”
Informative and factual
“Gives lots of information on the dangers of drinking and how you should drink responsibly.
“Explains alcohol in a way teenagers would understand.”
What teachers say
“The layout is attractive and it’s really easy to navigate.”
“The content is really great, telling the story about the kids and their relationship with one another… the teacher resources provided are really good too.”
“It’s very important to me to know that the resources are evidence-based.”
Recommended years
Years 7 and 8
Six 40-minute lessons, including a 20-minute cartoon story and teacher-facilitated activities.
Evidence rating
This resource is supported by several randomised controlled trials and a systematic review.
The online OurFutures Alcohol prevention program is mapped to national and state-based Health and Physical Education curricula. Visit our directory to view the mapping for your state.
Information pack
We’ve put together some marketing materials on our Alcohol Program so that educators and other health & wellbeing professionals can easily share information and resources with their audience. Click here for the resource.
Student benefits
- Reduced alcohol consumption and binge drinking.
- Reduced harms related to the use of alcohol.
- Improved attitudes towards alcohol.
- Increased alcohol-related knowledge.
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